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The CSUDH Office of Student Life, a service of the Division of Student Affairs, under the direction of the Associate Vice President for Student Life and the Assistant Dean of Students of California State University, Dominguez Hills, is responsible for promulgating rules, policies and guidelines to register and recognize student and Greek Letter organizations on campus. Official University registration/recognition is a privilege, not a right.
Student-centered organizations represent the University and the student body to the community, other institutions of higher education, and the Trustees of the California State University. It is appropriate, therefore, that the University expects responsible action and mature leadership from individuals who represent the University through their involvement with student-centered organizations.
Organizations and their members are expected to observe and are responsible for being familiar with and abiding by such conduct as specified in the Campus Life Policies ( as stipulated under Presidential Memorandum (presently 99-04).
Additional University policies and practices are reviewed in the Mandatory Registration/Recognition Workshop presented by the Office of Student Life each semester. All student-centered organizations must become familiar with and abide by those policies as well.
The University makes certain recognition privileges available to officially registered student organizations, but does not sanction, condone, or control off-campus events sponsored by student organizations in general. Only officially registered/recognized student organizations may receive the following privileges:
Any matriculated student, not on probation of any type, enrolled in "for credit" courses (6 unit minimum for Undergraduates and 3 unit minimum for Graduates) during fall and/or spring semester(s) at CSUDH may be eligible to join and/or initiate a student group on campus. Student organization office holders (President and Treasurer) must have
Undergraduate Students:
Graduate Students:
at the time they assume office. Office holders must also maintain their respective minimum GPA's and unit loads for the term(s) they hold office. Campus departments are not allowed to initiate student groups. Minimally, an overall cumulative GPA of 2.0 for is required for any student to be involved in Student Life.
Social Greek Letter Organizations (Sororities & Fraternities) are not allowed to rush or recruit first-time, freshman students without an established college GPA (based on completion of at least 6 units of for-credit college coursework beyond high school) into any membership intake process. Transfer Students may join their first semester depending upon the organization's requirements. Individual GPAs (2.3 - both prior semester and CUM) must be verified by the Office of Student Life.
New students (freshmen and transfer students) must have an overall cumulative and prior semester college GPA of 2.3 for undergraduates, or a 3.0 GPA for graduate students to be eligible to enter into any intake process for membership into a Social Greek Letter Organization (Sororities and Fraternities) at CSUDH. Continued participation in Greek life is granted only to those students whose GPA's meet or exceed either the national organization's or the University's minimum requirements for continued participation and membership (2.0), whichever is higher. There are no exceptions to this policy amendment, effective June 1, 2009.
Registration Availability: Prior to end of each semester for the following semester. Organizations only need to register once per academic year. Registration Deadline: End of fourth week of each semester.
Step 1: Complete Toro Link Registration Process.
Step 2: Complete and Turn in the following forms.
Mandatory Trainings / Orientations:
On-campus Advisors:
Student Organization Leadership Trainings:
Organizations must be present at 6/8 Leadership Trainings per year. Schedule is as follows:
Entering the Application Process will subject the prospective organization to a thirty five (35) calendar day period to organize and use facilities only, effective from the first day of each semester or as determined by the Office of Student Life. *No fundraising or general events or activities will be approved during this time (first 35 calendar days of each semester) unless:
*All four (4) conditions must be met to program an activity other than recruitment and organizational meetings during the first 35 calendar days of each semester. There are no exceptions. Please don't ask!
** Paperwork includes follow-up forms from Step 3 below!
Application pages 1, 2, 3, and 4 must be submitted with the following vital information to initiate the Official University Registration and Recognition Process:
Complete the follow-up paperwork File all attachments to the Application for Official Registration and Recognition prior to the 35-day deadline. The attachments submitted to the Office of Student Life and Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs must include the following:
Send an Officer to the Mandatory Student Organizations Leadership Workshops. There will be a 10-minute grace period for sign-in, at which time a lock-out will occur and no further admittance will be allowed. An Officer must attend, and can represent a maximum of two organizations if the student is an officer in both organizations.
Mandatory Advisor Orientations are scheduled for the 3rd and 4th weeks of each semester. Your On-campus Advisor(s) must:
Approval/Denial-After careful review and verification of your completed registration/recognition application packet, membership GPA's and attendance at the mandatory orientation, the Office of Student Life determines approval or denial. Final notice of approval or denial will be provided to the organization President, your On-Campus Advisor, and the Associated Students Executive Director and Organizations' Commissioner by the Coordinator of Student Life/Greek Life Advisor.
Continued University Recognition-Recognition Renewal: No CSU campus shall recognize any fraternity, sorority, living group, honor society, or other student organization which discriminates on the basis of race, religion, national origin, ethnicity, color, age, gender, marital status, citizenship, sexual orientation, or disability. Each student organization shall deposit with the Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs or equivalent or designated officer of the campus, via the CSUDH Office of Student Life, copies of all constitutions, charters, or other documents relating to its policies.
All student organizations shall also deliver to the Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs or equivalent or designated officer a statement signed by the president or similar officer of the local student organization or chapter that the organization has no rules or policies which discriminate on the basis of race, religion, national origin, ethnicity, color, age, gender, marital status, citizenship, sexual orientation, or disability. This statement shall be renewed annually and the other documents required by this section shall be re-filed within 45 days after any substantive change or amendment.
Once an organization has completed the registration process for University Registration and Recognition, all Non-Greek and Social Greek-Letter Organizations must attend a Mandatory Risk-Management and Liability Workshop jointly provided and presented by the Office of Student Life and the University Risk Management Office. All organizations are required to provide evidence to the Office of Student Life that their membership was provided with notice of these workshops and was invited to attend in mass. The Office of Student Life will provide acknowledgement forms if needed.
Non-attendance by any single organizational representative will result in temporary loss of recognition until such a mandatory workshop is attended on behalf of the organization. Some Risk Management workshops will require Social Greek-Letter Organizations to send their members rather than a single representative.
Social Greek Letter organizations must provide regular representation and membership to their respective affiliated campus Greek Councils (NPHC, NALFO, NPC, IFC, Pan-Hellenic), and/or the University Greek Council (UGC) to remain in good standing. All independent councils must provide a regular representative for membership on the University Greek Council for their continued good standing with the University as well. Non-compliance will result in Council loss of University recognition and privileges.
All Non-Social Greek Letter organizations must provide regular monthly representation and membership to the Associated Students' Organizations Commission. Non-compliance will result in organization loss of University recognition and privileges.
Students wishing to collect an application packet after the packet availability deadline or wishing to initiate an organization or to complete the process after the 35-day deadline will have to wait until the following semester to register. Students are informed that the organization must be registering or already registered prior to the ASI Funding Request Process to be eligible for consideration to receive funding for the upcoming academic year.
The CSUDH minimum number of members required to establish any student-centered organization is six (6). Greek organizations must meet the membership minimum stipulation established by their national office or other governing documents if the stipulation is greater than the CSUDH minimum in order to be recognized. Failure to maintain the CSUDH and/or the organization's required minimum number of active members in good standing may result in a suspension of one semester. The Office of Student Life will verify both minimums.
Minimally, an overall cumulative GPA of 2.0 for is required for any student to be involved in Student Life. Social Greek Letter Organizations (Sororities & Fraternities) are not allowed to rush or recruit students with no established college GPA (based on completion of at least 6 units of for-credit college coursework beyond high school) into any membership intake process. Such a college GPA must be verifiable by the CSUDH Office of Admissions or Records.
New students (freshmen and transfer students) must have an overall cumulative college GPA of 2.3 for undergraduates, or a 3.0 GPA for graduate students to be eligible to enter into any intake process for membership into a Social Greek Letter Organization (Sororities and Fraternities) at Cal State Dominguez Hills. Continued participation in Greek life is granted only to those students whose GPA's meet or exceed either the national organization's or the University's minimum requirements for participation and membership (2.0), whichever is higher. There are no exceptions to this policy amendment, effective June 1, 2009.
Organizations that have a historical record on file of continued official active registration and recognition with the University may be allowed to submit only renewal paperwork in lieu of the complete registration packet. Renewal practices are offered and allowed at the determination of the University based on the discretion of the Office of Student Life. "Renewal" is only an option for Fall-Spring or semester-to-semester processes. Fall registration marks the onset of an academic year's registration process. Whether registering or renewing, all student organizations are subject to this and all other CSUDH Campus Life Policies and guidelines.
While student organizations are critical to student life and a vibrant campus community, their mere existence and official recognition by the University carries great potential for liability and risk that must be managed. Students and student organizations are expected to provide positive leadership and service to the University and the campus community at large.
Official recognition of any fraternity, sorority, living group, honor society, religious, political, special interest, professional/academic related, or other student organization that discriminates on the basis of race, religion, national origin, ethnicity, color, age, gender, marital status, citizenship, sexual orientation, or disability shall be withdrawn. The prohibition on membership policies that discriminate on the basis of gender does not apply to athletic groups/clubs, social fraternities or sororities, or to other university living groups.
Organizations that do not actively pursue an approved mission, or for other reasons, fail to maintain good standing with the University, risk withdrawal of their official University registration and recognition. In addition, official recognition of a student organization may be withdrawn for hazing as defined in Education Code Sections 32050 and 32051. Individual students may be disciplined for hazing under Section 41301(b) (8). A description of hazing may be found in the University Anti-Hazing Policy of the CSUDH Campus Life Policies.
Sanctions against student organizations ultimately are intended to match the offense, and are determined by the Director of Student Life. Sanctions may include actions such as withdrawal of recognition, suspension of recognition for a specified period of time, probation (warning that might lead to a more severe sanction), restriction of privileges, formal reprimand, and restitution for losses caused.
Severe sanctions may be appealed with the decision of the Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs being final. All appeals are to be provided in writing and are addressed initially by the Director of Student Life and/or the Associate Vice President for Student Life. All sanctions and considerations of sanctions, including warnings, will be filed in the organization's permanent University file in the Office of Student Life. Written notifications will be provided to organizational representatives via the organization's on-campus mailbox and via U.S. certified mail, sent to the permanent home address on file with the University for those individuals.
If a group is suspected or reported to be in violation of the Campus Life Policies, in whole or in part, a thorough investigation will be conducted by the Office of Student Life. While the investigation takes place, the suspected organization may be required to suspend its activities. If an organization is found in violation, the Office of Student Life will make a recommendation to the Vice President of Enrollment Management and Student Affairs. Sanctions may include up to suspension and expulsion from the University for a defined or indefinite period of time. All sanctions will be communicated in writing with official notice included within the offending organization's official registration file with the Office of Student Life. The Vice President's decision of sanctions is final.
When appropriate and necessary, the names of individual students suspected of inappropriate or illegal conduct on behalf of their organization will be turned over to the University Police, the Office of Student Life, and/or the University disciplinary officer for investigation.
Student groups with exemplary historical record of contributions to student life and leadership development on file with the Office of Student Life may request exceptions to policy or policy criteria on a case by case basis. All requests will be reviewed by the Director of Student Life and the Associate Vice President for Student Life for approval, partial approval, or denial. All decisions are final at this stage and may include additional stipulations, agreements, and contracts by, with, and between the student group and the Office of Student Life (University).
One such agreement that will be required by Office of Student Life is a mutually determined and agreed upon Organizational Development Plan. No organization will be allowed policy or policy criteria exceptions more than two semesters in succession. All Organizational Development Plans are to be planned and implemented on a three semester maximum basis. Organizations granted policy or policy criteria exceptions will have "Restrictive Registration" and will take direction from the Office of Student Life for all meetings, events and activities, and will only be allowed to conduct and implement programs that actively support their Organizational Development Plan.